Nurse with Patient

Critical Emergency Communication

eContact Card

Emergency Contact Card

Our "Patent Pending" Emergency Contact Card helps facilitate vital communications in case of an accident or emergency. The account owner receives two cards with a unique ID number, granting access to their designated Emergency Contact. Without the E-Card, connecting with family and friends may take many hours and sometimes even days. It is a vital link for information and family contact that helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

How the E-Card works:

It's Handy

The E-Card should always be carried by the account owner. Removing the backing exposes a “tacky” surface that allows it to be applied and reapplied to a driver’s license, ID card, etc. Not removing the backing allows it to be a “standalone” — like a credit card.

Chat bubble
Quick Contact

In the event of an emergency or accident, a care giver can use the E-Card to quickly make direct contact to the account holder’s designated Emergency Contact. They can communicate vital information that can aid in these situations.

Critical Info

The Emergency Contact has access to and can share critical information about the E-Card holder, such as Advanced Health Directive, Triage Medical and Health Insurance Information. A Power of Attorney may also be available.

This valuable feature is included in Our Family Assets Private Digital Vault at no additional cost.