Mother and Child

We prioritize your privacy and your security

We safeguard your vault.

Our Family Assets Digital Vault offers unparalleled privacy, crafted by experts to cover every aspect of safety and security, and designed to provide you with peace of mind. With our advanced technology and expertise, you can trust that your family’s most valued assets are secure and protected for generations to come. Our vault provides:

Identity Verification

Every account owner passes an “ID Proofing” review by a 3rd party company that is a world leader in identity authentication. Their multi-level processes can offer identity surety of over 95%; anonymous ownership is not permitted.

Strict Access Control

Account access is granted using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which includes text/email, face recognition, and biometric processes. Authentication provides a “lock out” process for too many failed logon attempts; reset is simple, but only by account owner.

Version Control
Version Control

All transactions (deletions/changes) are logged and recorded in perpetuity. With this process, data is ransomware proof. In the event of a legal challenge, historical records are available.

Data Integrity
Data Integrity

All data that is in “motion” or at “rest” is fully encrypted using a AES 256 bit algorithm (military grade). This cryptography cipher has never been acknowledged as being compromised.

Immutable Data

Stored information can not be deleted or changed as it is written to a “distributed ledger” which means data is replicated multiple times. All data is also routinely “backed up” for instant retrieval.

Data Storage

All data is stored on a centrally managed object storage platform, It uses block-storage technologies that records encrypted data forever in multiple locations making it statistically 99.999999999% secure.